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January 16, 2025

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Shelley Lloyd

Phoenix Chapter

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Article authored by:

Cheryl Soon, PhD., FAICP

Cheryl has been a member of the LAI Aloha Chapter for over 25 years and a former LAI Member of the Year.

Hola! Hello! Bonjour! Aloha! These are the greetings spoken in some of the recent and future locations for Land Economics Gatherings: Barcelona, Phoenix, Montreal, and Honolulu. 

The Gatherings occur annually and are a flagship activity for LAI members. The three-day events include a half day business session and two days of exciting tours and social events. They are equal part glamorous, informative, and inspirational. Each one is planned and presented by a Host City Chapter. 

Attendees (you and your guests) benefit from back of house tours made possible because of Host Chapter connections and are led by the people who made things happen. Imagine, having a private meeting with Jordi Oller, the current architect of Antoni Gaudi’s masterpiece Sagrada Familia. We did just that in Barcelona. 

The gatherings are a great way to meet other LAI members from chapters around the world. There is typically ample time to walk, interact with speakers, and enjoy lively back and forth. To say I am enthusiastic is an under-statement – I have attended more than twenty LEWs since my first in 2011 in Glasgow, Scotland.

Land Economics Weekend History

But let’s back up a bit. 

The Land Economics Weekends (LEW) and study tours started in the year 2000. The first was in Baltimore. LEWs quickly grew in popularity and were held twice a year, in the fall and the spring. 

That is until 2020 when the Covid Epidemic halted travel for two years. During this break when contact was primarily by ZOOM calls, LAI took time to review the most meaningful experiences for its chapters and members. 

The New Gatherings Committee

The twice a year format was proving to be a challenge and left little room for cross-chapter or regional events. When a new Strategic Plan was formulated and adopted, one of the outcomes was formation of the Gatherings Committee to bring new energy to in-person gatherings. 

The Gatherings Committee meets monthly, ten times per year (there is lots of room for new members and ideas). We have been successful in writing Guidelines for hosts of gatherings to help ensure their success. 

We look toward a multi-year schedule and have been successful in generating interest from host chapters for Gathering destinations. Currently there is a Call for Interest for the years 2027, 2028, and 2029. The year 2030 will be hosted by our founding chapter in Chicago (Ely) and will celebrate LAI’s 100th anniversary.

The 2025 Montreal Gathering

Which brings me to the Montreal Gathering (2025). How did this one come about? Gatherings take a couple of years to plan, and due to recovery from the pandemic Chapters weren’t ready to step up as a host for 2025. Rather than skip a year, the Gathering Committee decided to serve in the role of Host. 

First, we considered exciting cities where there is no chapter but everyone would love to visit. Montreal came to the top of the list. Former LAI Presidents Ian Lord (Toronto Chapter) and Tim Youmans (Sacramento Chapter) volunteered to serve at Co-Chairs, backed up by the membership of the Gatherings Committee. They did a reconnaissance trip and came back very enthusiastic. A local event planner was secured, a host hotel selected, and the program began to evolve. 

As hosts quickly discover, there is ten times more subjects to be covered than time allows. Major locations and themes include:  


>Click to see Montreal<

  • City of Diversity – European Culture and Northern American way of life
  • Cutting Edge Architecture
  • Leadership in Artificial Intelligence
  • Center of Trade and Commerce – the Port of Montreal
  • Canada Lands Waterfront revitalization projects
  • New Master Planned Community with Destination Luxury Retail
  • Housing Affordability Initiatives

Start making YOUR plans to attend. The event is September 11-13, 2025. The Conference Hotel is Hotel Place d’Armes. 
Plan a pre- or post-trip extension to Quebec City and places beyond. All this and more can be found on the LAI Website. More programming information will follow. 
Can’t wait to attend? >Click to Register Now.<

Consider Sponsoring the 2025 Montreal Gathering
As LAI’s signature event each year, we are looking for sponsors to ensure that our annual Gathering is an exceptional event.  If you are interested in sponsoring the Montreal Gathering >Click here< to get a sponsorship package. 

Je vais te voir la-bas. See you there!



Credits for article:
Photo of Cheryl Soon, courtesy of Cheryl Soon
“Bonjour Montreal” video courtesy of Tourisme Montréal
Hotel Place d’Armes: © Freddy Arciniegas – Arcpixel – Tourisme Montréal
Bonjour Montreal courtesy of Tourisme Montreal

Keynotes are submitted by LAI members. Many submissions reflect the author’s professional opinions and views on relevant issues concerning the organizational mission and purpose of LAI. LAI, as an organization, does not take a position on Keynote submissions, and supports providing an open forum of ideas forwarded for thoughtful consideration. Submissions should not be construed as LAI endorsements.

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