KeyNote Submission
This curated collection of published or publishable content authored by LAI members showcases our industry’s best thought leadership. Articles and excerpts share a wealth of knowledge — from industry trends and academic research to expert perspectives.
KeyNotes Post Suggestions:
Content for KeyNotes posts consist of land-economics topics and directly relate to a LAI member, chapter, or a global LAI event.
Chapter meeting synopses are perfect for KeyNotes posts as well as articles written by a LAI member or honoring a member.
Personal or business travel that ties in land economics within images and copy are interesting KeyNotes posts.
Peruse past KeyNotes posts for inspiration on crafting a unique post.
Articles of any length are accepted, though long articles may be best broken into a series. Multi-media material such as ppt, charts, video, links to other material, etc. are often integral to substantiating post content.
Bringing Together
And Insight
Some Dimensions of A Holistic Approach towards Economic Policy and Economics
February 7, 2025

Article authored by:
DR CHANDRAHAS DESHPANDE is currently Professor – Economics with the WELINGKAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, MUMBAI, a Prominent B-School of India. He has a combined Experience of about four decades as a Professional Economist, comprising Think-Tank, World Trade Centre, Academia and Corporate Sector. He is also Member-at-Large of the LAI and Committee Member of the AUM-LAI Chapter. He has several research publications to his credit, spanning subjects such as – FDI; Industrial Policy; Global Value-Chains and Indian Economic Policy.
Keynotes are submitted by LAI members. Many submissions reflect the author’s professional opinions and views on relevant issues concerning the organizational mission and purpose of LAI. LAI, as an organization, does not take a position on Keynote submissions, and supports providing an open forum of ideas forwarded for thoughtful consideration. Submissions should not be construed as LAI endorsements.