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2025 Suncoast Economic Forecast

February 27, 2025

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Shelley Lloyd

Phoenix Chapter

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Article authored by:

Holly Elmore – LAI FL Suncoast President & LAI Global Water-Land Series Group Co-Chair

Holly's eclectic career path includes multiple facets ranging from the corporate arena (Arthur Andersen Auditor & Trammell Crow Controller) to the foodservice industry (owner of a corporate catering business & restaurants) to sustainability-industry leader (Zero Waste Zones & Earth Impact Founder).  In addition, Holly is an avid nature & documentary photographer and respected journalist with prominent articles and photographs featured in national publications.

On Thursday, January 30, the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter hosted its second meeting as an official LAI Chapter. The IMPACT article, Announcing the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter, celebrates the chapter charter presented on October 16 at the Annual Gathering in Phoenix; the article also details the chapter history during the development stage, the keys to success, and future chapter plans. 

Michael Snipes, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Instruction of Economics, University South Florida, Sarasota, Manatee, presented on the 2025 Suncoast Economic Outlook.

Thanks to the generous sponsorship from the Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Powell Crosley Estate, the event was open to LAI members and prospective members at no charge. The meeting ended with a lovely reception that was much appreciated by the attendees.

LAI FL Suncoast Chapter Vice-President John Osborne, CEO and Urban Planner at Green Streets inducted six new members to the thriving new chapter:

  • Alan Zirkelbach, Z Construction President
  • Sean Fraser, Beaverbrook Accounting Owner
  • Sara Kane, Sarasota County Government Sustainability and Resilience Manager
  • John Taylor, Ralph Taylor's Nursery Owner
  • Michael Barbour, Retired Aquatic Ecologist
  • Misty Servia, Desoto County Planning Director

The previously mentioned article, Announcing the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter, details the chapter history during the development stage, the keys to success, and future chapter plans. 

2025 Suncoast Economic Outlook

For his economic outlook, Michael focused primarily on inflation and labor markets as they showcase the intricacies of the overall economy. 

After a simple explanation of inflation, Michael noted that the Federal Reserve goal is 2% inflation; currently, national inflation is 2.9%, up from 2.5% last month.

The Gulf Suncoast has a higher inflation rate of 3.4%, mainly due to housing costs and homeowner's insurance premiums; the Suncoast's housing costs are 15% higher than the state average.

Looking forward, Michael anticipates a slowdown in the housing market due to lower prices, fewer sales, and high mortgage rates. Despite a decrease in 2024, Michael predicts an increase in 2025 tourism due to the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport (SRQ) recent expansion, additional athletic offerings, and increases in business and international tourism.

The IMPACT article, SRQ: an Economic Driver, showcases how SRQ is a major regional economic driver; the article includes an overview of SRQ CEO Rick Piccolo's impressive presentation at the November 21, 2024 LAI FL Suncoast Chapter meeting.

Although the economic outlook is generally positive, pending policy and other political scenarios may impact the Suncoast economy.

A copy of Professor Snipes PPT presentation is available at this LINK.

The IMPACT Magazine article, 2025 Suncoast Economic Forecast, gives an overview of the empowering meeting. The Holly Elmore Images-photo album, 01-30-25 LAI FL Suncoast Chapter Meeting, gives a pictorial recap of the meeting.

Future Chapter Plans
LAI FL Suncoast Chapter President Holly Elmore closed the meeting with an impressive overview of the chapter status: the chapter-member goal of 30 members was achieved by December 31, 2024! With six new-member inductees at the meeting, the chapter is well on its way to achieving the goal of 40 members by March 31 and 50 members by June 30.

Inductee Alan Zirkelbach posed with John Osborne, Chapter VP, and his sponsor Jay Brady.

Inductee Michael Barbour posed with John Osborne, Chapter VP, and his sponsor Charles Reith.

Inductee John Taylor posed with John Osborne, Chapter VP, and his sponsor Charles Reith.

Inductee Misty Servia posed with John McCarthy, meeting emcee, and her sponsor John Osborne.

Inductee Sara Kane posed John Osborne, Chapter VP, and her sponsor John McCarthy.

Inductee Sean Fraser posed with John Osborne, Chapter VP, and his sponsor Sylwia Majewski.


LAI FL Suncoast Chapter Board member and Programs Chair Jay Brady introduces himself to the well-attended meeting.


Built in 1929 on Sarasota Bay, the Powell Crosley Estate was a perfect meeting venue. 

Located on Sarasota Bay, the Powell Crosley Estate boasts a spectacular waterside view of the bay.

Sunset over the bay during the meeting.

All images are courtesy of Holly Elmore Images.

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