Addressing Construction Defect Liability to Expand Homeownership

Global Initiatives Committee

Event details:

10:00am PDT on Tuesday, October 8, 2024
11:00am PDT on Tuesday, October 8, 2024
This event is open to All LAI members globally and non-members.

Register  Registration is through the Terner Center.

LAI Global Initiatives Committee is co-sponsoring with the Terner Center for Housing Innovation a timely webinar exploring the intersection of Construction Defect Liability and Homeownership. Condominiums—long a vital entry point for more affordable homeownership—have seen a significant decline in development across California, with construction defect liability laws serving as a key barrier. These laws, designed to protect home buyers, have unintentionally discouraged developers from building new condominiums. The session will highlight opportunities for reform and explore the implications of these laws for the future of affordable homeownership.