
2022 October - Induction of Laura Mazzeo

2022 July Gathering

2022 May Gathering


                                                                                                                New London members Mark Davy and Kyle Smith

2019 Inductions: Kevin Davidson and Brandon Buck



London Chapter Holiday Lunch 2018




2016 New Member Inductions

Left to right: LAI President Steven Gragg, Alan Tearle, Megan Royston, LAI VP Robert McBride, Chip Good, Hugo Raworth, Robert Maguire

Brexit Event 2016 November

Left to right: Miles Gibson, Steven Gragg, Robert Maguire, Richard Yorke, Chip Good

Videos of Brexit Event


List of Participants

Collection of Brexit Articles


A delegation of Lambda Alpha members led by LAI International President, Eugene Stunard, came to London to present the LAI Chapter Charter and to induct the initial members. This ceremony was held at the Carlton Club — one of the famous London clubs — formed in the 18th Century and since that time the traditional Conservative Party Club. Former Ely Chapter member Roger Kallman, who was instrumental in the formation of the London Chapter, became the Chapter President in 1992.

Among those early members were:

  • Sir Idris Pierce of Richard Ellis,
  • Sir Nigel Mobbs of Slough Estates;
  • Harold Melzack of Smith Melzack;
  • Dr Karen Sieracki, then with ESN Pension Management; and
  • Roger Kallman of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.

Our members have included various past Presidents of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, the Rating and Valuation Association and the Valuers’ Institution.

In the Autumn of 1992 the Lord Mayor of London, visited Chicago and The Board of Governors of Lambda Alpha International proclaimed that the Right Honourable Sir Brian Jenkins should receive the title of Honorary Member in Lambda Alpha International.

The London Chapter subsequently established a series of annual “Keynote” lectures in addition to its luncheon programme. Major speakers included:

  • Lord Marshall, former Chairman of British Airways,
  • Ronald Spinney, Chairman of developers Hammerson Plc.,
  • the Honourable Philip Lader, US Ambassador to the Court of St. James,
  • Sir Joe Dwyer, Chairman of Liverpool Vision,
  • Chris Gibb, Managing Director of Virgin Trains,
  • Simon Blaxland of Goldman Sachs International,
  • Professor John Ratcliffe Director and Dean of the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology; and
  • Dr. Paul Evans from Department of the Environment Transport and Regions.

In September/October 1999, the London Chapter hosted the 33rd Biennial Congress in the United Kingdom. Highlights of the event included an awards reception at the City’s historic Reform Club a cruise on the River Thames preceded a formal dinner in the Painted Hall, the Royal Naval College at Greenwich. In that remarkable 17th Century setting our guest of honour the US Ambassador to Great Britain, The Hon. Philip Lader was the speaker. Also attending was Lord Jenkin of Roding, former Secretary of State for the Environment.

The London Chapter holds meetings every two to three months. We have a wide range of speakers addressing a broad set of topics: from the future of the car in urban centres, to the policy changing nature of the City of London. These talks are followed by stimulating debates where Chatham House Rules apply (i.e. where discussions are free, frank and confidential).

We also have an evening function every year in early summer at which there is a keynote lecture, the Annual General Meeting (AGM). In the past, these have been held at the House of Commons, in the Palace of Westminster; at the Institute of Directors; and at the Guildhall, historic seat of government for the City of London among other special venues.

Our membership has fluctuated each year from 50 to 70 but we are hoping to increase this number to 100 in the next few years.

Past Presidents of the London Chapter:

  • Dr. Karen Sieracki: 2007 to 2009
  • Jeffrey Cackett, LVO: 2002 to 2007
  • Michael Mallinson: 2000 to 2002
  • Roger Kallman: 1992 to 2000


Chapter Events