International Urban Affairs Award
This award is presented either to a public official who, through his or her efforts—technical, managerial or other significant effort—has made a notable contribution to improving the quality of urban life or to a person who has made outstanding contributions to urban affairs and who has advanced the frontiers of knowledge via research and/or practice.
2013 | Stanley Kwok Amara International Investors Corporation Vancouver, British Columbia | 2015 | David E. Crombie Former Mayor of Toronto, Chancellor Emeritus Ryerson University Toronto |
2011 | Hal Bastian Downtown Center Business Improvement District Los Angeles, California | 2009 | Dr. William Gerard O’Hare Parker Green International Newry, Nothern Ireland |
2009 | Valerie Jarrett, Esq. THe White House Washington, DC | 2007 | Maureen McAvey Urban Land Institute Washington, DC |
2005 | Kerry Harrington Morrison Hollywood Business Improvement District Hollywood, California | 2003 | Joseph R Passonmeau |
2001 | Kenneth R. Sparks Federal City Council Washington, DC | 1999 | Dr. Walter G. Hardwick University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia |
1997 | Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Senate Washington, DC | 1995 | Dr. H. Peter Oberlander Vancouver, British Columbia |
1993 | Roy Potter Downtown San Diego Partnership San Diego, California | 1991 | Kurt W. Meyer Meyer & Allen Associates Los Angeles, California |
1989 | Harland Bartholomew Harland Bartholomew & Assoc. St. Louis, Missouri | 1987 | Edward A. Shay PAE International Arlington, Virginia |