International Urban Affairs Award

This award is presented either to a public official who, through his or her efforts—technical, managerial or other significant effort—has made a notable contribution to improving the quality of urban life or to a person who has made outstanding contributions to urban affairs and who has advanced the frontiers of knowledge via research and/or practice.

2013Stanley Kwok
Amara International Investors Corporation
Vancouver, British Columbia
2015David E. Crombie
Former Mayor of Toronto, Chancellor Emeritus Ryerson University
2011Hal Bastian
Downtown Center Business Improvement District
Los Angeles, California
2009Dr. William Gerard O’Hare
Parker Green International
Newry, Nothern Ireland
2009Valerie Jarrett, Esq.
THe White House
Washington, DC
2007Maureen McAvey
Urban Land Institute
Washington, DC
2005Kerry Harrington Morrison
Hollywood Business Improvement District
Hollywood, California
2003Joseph R Passonmeau
2001Kenneth R. Sparks
Federal City Council
Washington, DC
1999Dr. Walter G. Hardwick
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia
1997Daniel Patrick Moynihan
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC
1995Dr. H. Peter Oberlander
Vancouver, British Columbia
1993Roy Potter
Downtown San Diego Partnership
San Diego, California
1991Kurt W. Meyer
Meyer & Allen Associates
Los Angeles, California
1989Harland Bartholomew
Harland Bartholomew & Assoc.
St. Louis, Missouri
1987Edward A. Shay
PAE International
Arlington, Virginia