2024 New Initiate Gala

Golden Gate - San Francisco

Event details:

6:00pm PST on Thursday, December 12, 2024
9:30pm PST on Thursday, December 12, 2024
Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco
757 Market street
San Francisco , CA ,

$275 before Nov. 15; $300 after

This event is open to All LAI members globally.

SAVE ON FEES - Email Lori Horan (info@laisf.org) to reserve and purchase tickets or sponsorships via check or Zelle.

LAI Members must be current on dues (paid their 2024 dues) in order to purchase tickets. You will be contacted to make a payment on dues if you are in arrears.

The Guest Ticket is for spouses/significant others only. Please do not bring work colleagues as a guest to the Gala.