The LAI Atlanta Chapter Fall Meeting was generously hosted by the Piedmont Park Conservancy at their Visitor Center overlooking the beautiful Lake Clara Meer. Park Pride Executive Director Michael Halicki gave an empowering presentation, Engaging communities to activate the Power of Parks. In addition the new member nominees were recognized and incoming 2018 chapter officers were announced.
The LAI Blog post, Fall LAI Atlanta Chapter Meeting, includes the meeting notes by LAI Board Secretary Bill de St. Aubin, Sizemoregroup CEO. Rather than a PPT presentation, Michael used the Park Pride 2016 Impact Report as his visual tool.
In addition to Bill’s meeting notes, The IMPACT Blog article, The Power of Parks, chronicles the history of public parks, the substantial value of parks on many levels, ParkScore park rankings, and Park Pride’s impressive work supporting parks in Atlanta and Dekalb County. The LAI Atlanta Fall meeting is featured along with an LAI overview; the Elemental Impact FB album, Lambda Alpha International, includes a pictorial recap of the fall meeting.