A City Planner Travels Around the World

Article authored by:

Les Pollock, FAICP, FLA - LAI Chicago Chapter Member, LAI International Past President

Leslie S. Pollock, FAICP, FLAI is an inveterate traveler, having visited over 70 countries in the six inhabited continents. He has traveled up the Amazon River on a cargo boat, across Russia via the Trans-Siberian Railway, through China by rail, up the coast of Alaska by ferry, and across the Andes by bus and boat. 

He is also an internationally recognized urban planner. A founder of Camiros, Ltd, a US national urban planning consultancy, he assisted communities across the country and internationally for over 50 years, preparing citywide, neighborhood and site development plans, zoning ordinances, and counseling communities regarding strategies and actions to improve the quality of life for their citizens. He earlier served as president of LAI International, and also of the Chicago Chapter.

Les Pollock’s book, "Follow the Sun! A City Planner's Journey Around the World” covers four months of travel around the world to 15 countries. It begins in Southeast Asia, continues through China and Mongolia to Russia, via the Trans-Siberian Railway, and then onward to several Balkan nations, Israel and Morocco. Pollock has followed a dictum of travel writer Paul Theroux to “travel on the ground, travel alone and take notes”. In it, he remarks upon the characteristics of the people, the structure of the cities visited, and the life lessons that travel provides.

Click here to purchase Follow the Sun!  A City Planner's Journey Around the World.


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