
The International Public Official of the Year award is presented either to a public official who, through his or her efforts—technical, managerial or other significant effort—has made a notable contribution to improving the quality of urban life or to a person who has made outstanding contributions to urban affairs and who has advanced the frontiers of knowledge via research and/or practice.

Photo courtesy of Paul DesJardin

On behalf of the Awards Committee, Dr. James Fawcett, LAI Past President, Fellow and Awards Committee Chair, congratulates Roger Showley of the San Diego Chapter, on this important international recognition. 

Photo courtesy of Roger Showley

Member of the Year is selected from Chapter nominations of Chapter Member of the Year honorees for the current or prior year by the International Awards Committee.  

The Award is based upon commitment to Lambda Alpha, to the nominee’s profession, and to land economics with respect to achievement in the private or public sectors, research or education.

Alan Nevin, LAI San Diego Chapter member and LAI Fellow follows up his 2021 Economic Review with an astonishing treatise on Russia’s long-standing economic problems. “Russia: A Dying Nation” is jammed with insights and is a must-read for every LAI member.

Friendships develop and strengthen among Ely Chapter members and non-members in informal group of typical LAI outgoing, talented and thoughtful people.

John Leonard, Sacramento President, gives Todd Cabanban the big picture.

“The Next Chapter – Sacramento” is Episode 3 in our series of video interviews with every LAI Chapter President.  Sacramento Chapter is doing great things – you’ll want to catch on this fast-paced interview.

This past year has been almost without precedence, both on an international and national level. We have experienced at least 12 plagues.

Todd Cabanban and John Leonard, Sacramento Chapter President, preview the LEW May 5-7.

Todd Cabanban chats with Susan Todani

“The Next Chapter - Aloha” brings you up to date on what makes our Aloha Chapter so vibrant.  Catch up in this lively video interview with Susan Todani, immediate Past President. 

 Chapter Presidents, we know you’ll want to participate - Communications will be in touch.

LAI International, through its global initiative, is engaging members in a series of webinars on affordable housing.

Opening the series on Dec. 3, 2021 was a webinar featuring Howard Husock, New York chapter member and author of a recent book ‘The Poor Side of Town, and why we need it.

Photo courtesy of Encounter Books

Todd Cabanban interviews Karin Chao. Don’t miss it.

“The Next Chapter - Los Angeles” is a fast paced video interview about all the great work our Los Angeles Chapter is doing. Karin Chao, immediate Past President, shares everything that’s going on.

Chapter Presidents, we know you will want to participate - Communications will be in touch.

We are introducing this fantastic content to give each chapter a little “light” and help promote the great things they are doing.

At the October 7, 2021 Board of Governors meeting, LAI International President, Sheila D. Harris, PhD recognized Karen Sieracki, PhD, with the International President Award for her contributions to LAI including being the first woman to serve as International President. 

One of the founding members and former president of the LAI Boston chapter has been voted into the Presidency of LAI and will serve in that office for two years. 

The LAI Board of Trustees enthusiastically elected Gary October 7. 

Building on a successful pilot program that helped about a dozen Sarasota County communities bolster (and beautify) their stormwater retention ponds, Solutions to Avoid Red Tide (START) secured a $250,000 grant from Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation to develop a regional “Healthy Pond Collaborative” initiative. Lai At-Large member Sandy Gilbert is START Chairman of the Board.

Two LAI at-large members join forces in Sarasota, FL to rewild Nathan Benderson Park (NBP) in a series of projects. Suncoast Aquatic and Nature Center CEO & President Tomas Herrera-Mishler (formerly with the San Diego Chapter) and Elemental Impact Founder & CEO Holly Elmore (formerly with the Atlanta Chapter) are committed to soil-health restoration at NBP via projects that sequester carbon, create local-food security, and reestablish insect and wildlife populations.

Affordable housing with appealing architectural features that doesn’t look so affordable? 

That’s the work of Enterprise Community Development and Brian McLaughlin, former LAI Baltimore board member.  Affordable housing is top of mind these days and Joe Nathanson, Baltimore Chapter, former International Scribe had a chance to learn how ECD is making a difference.   

A partial draft of the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan is in place and ready for additional input from LAI members. 

We would love to hear your thoughts. What do you like about the drafted sections? What do you not like? What needs improvement?  What are we missing?


KeyNotes is the online publication of Lambda Alpha International and contains articles written by the members, chronicles chapter activities and successes, and celebrates member awards and accomplishments. Posts are distributed to the global membership and published within LAI’s social-media network. KeyNotes are submitted by LAI members. Many submissions reflect the author’s professional opinions and views on relevant issues concerning the organizational mission and purpose of LAI. LAI, as an organization, does not take a position on KeyNote submissions, and supports providing an open forum of ideas forwarded for thoughtful consideration. Submissions should not be construed as LAI endorsements.” Check out the latest articles today!

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