A quarter century retrospective – the factors that influence the region’s development and growth


Event details:

5:30pm PST on Wednesday, February 26, 2025
9:00pm PST on Wednesday, February 26, 2025

5:30 PM  No Host Bar
6:30 PM  Introduction & Dinner
7:00 PM  Presentation and Discission
9:00 PM  Adjourn

The Vancouver Club Ballroom
915 West Hastings Street
Vancouver , BC V6C 1C6 ,

$125 for Vancouver Chapter members and Guests

Register by
5:00pm on Monday, February 24, 2025
This event is ONLY for the LOCAL LAI chapter members.

To confirm attendance:

E-Mail LAIVancouver@gmail.com
Call Deanna Yue at 604-928-0312

Cancellation/ Refund/ No-Show Policy

Cancellation notice must be delivered in writing to Deanna Yue, Executive Assistant at laivancouver@gmail.com at least 48 hours prior to the event date. Refunds will be provided only if cancellations are made within the required time period.

A quarter century of change and the trends that will influence Metro Vancouver over the next 25 years

Join us for an engaging session with one of Canada’s most esteemed demographers, Andrew Ramlo. Andrew will provide a retrospective on the evolution of the Metro region since the adoption of the 1996 Livable Region Strategic Plan. Discussion and debate will focus on the trends and patterns that will shape our region for the next quarter century.

As Vice President of Advisory Services for Rennie, Andrew provides analytical and strategic support for real estate developers, investors, retailers, local and provincial governments, crown corporations, and public agencies.

In his role as Executive Director of the non- profit Urban Futures Institute, Andrew has conducted publicly available research on topics ranging from labour force change and human resource management to aging populations and community change.

Andrew holds a BA in urban and economic geography and an MA from UBC’s School of Community and Regional Planning. Andrew is a past president of the Planning Institute of British Columbia (PIBC), is a member of the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP), and has lectured at UBC, SFU, and BCIT.