
The International Nominating Committee shall consist of the immediate Past President, current President, and not less than three (3) or more than five (5) other active members who agree to serve at the request of the immediate Past President. Exclusive of the immediate Past President and current President, a member of LAI who is an officer or Assistant Officer of the International Executive Committee or who is the Chair of a Standing Committee or Special Purpose Committee of LAI is not eligible for service on the International Nominating Committee unless such member confirms in writing that he/she will not accept a nomination for or hold any position as an officer or Assistant Officer on the International Executive Committee or a Chair of a Standing Committee or Special Purpose Committee of LAI, for the ensuing term. The immediate Past President shall serve as Chair of the International Nominating Committee so constituted.

The International Nominating Committee, through a report, shall nominate for the ensuing term one or more individuals for each International office comprising the International Executive Committee, and the officers of the Global Chapter pursuant to Article VI Section 4. With the advice of the International President and the International Vice President and notwithstanding Article XI, Section 3, the International Nominating Committee shall also nominate for the ensuing term the Chair of any Standing Committee of LAI.

All nominations are subject to    election by the International Board of Governors at the biennial meeting called for the purpose. The International Nominating Committee shall cause a copy of its report to be delivered to the International Executive Director and to each member of the International Board of Governors at least sixty (60) days prior to the biennial election meeting.

In the event that a nominee of the International Nominating Committee withdraws or becomes ineligible or incapable to serve for any reason between the date of the International Nominating Committee’s nomination report and the date of the biennial election meeting, the International Nominating Committee may amend its nomination report through notice in writing to the International President up to the day preceding the date of the biennial election meeting.