LAI Baltimore February Luncheon: North Atlantic Cities - Charlie Duff on Rowhouse Cities of the North Atlantic World


Event details:

1:00pm EST on Wednesday, February 19, 2020
2:30pm EST on Wednesday, February 19, 2020
University of Maryland BioPark
801 W. Baltimore Street Invent & Advance Rooms on 1st Floor
Baltimore , MD 21201 ,

Active Member Baltimore LAI Chapter - Free

Inactive Member Baltimore LAI Chapter and Guests - $25

Register by
4:00pm on Friday, February 14, 2020
Registration for this event has closed.

Please join us for the luncheon of Lambda Alpha International’s Baltimore chapter on Wednesday, February 19th. North Atlantic Cities: Charlie Duff on Rowhouse Cities of the North Atlantic World Why do London and Baltimore have row houses while Paris and Minneapolis do not? This was the question that led Charlie Duff to explore the world’s rowhouse cities across the North Atlantic. What he found is that they form an urban family, bound together by architecture, commerce, and politics spanning more than 400 years.

The result of this research is a new book—The North Atlantic Cities—that takes readers on a journey that begins in Amsterdam in 1600 and ends in the present day. It covers Dutch, British, Irish, and American cities that house millions of people.

Copies of the book will be available at the talk

Charles B. Duff President, Jubilee Baltimore, is an experienced developer and planner and an authority on Baltimore’s architecture and development. In nineteen years as Jubilee’s President, Charlie has led a team that has built or rebuilt houses and apartments for thousands of Baltimoreans. Charlie is a frequent lecturer on architectural history at the Walters Art Museum and the Johns Hopkins University.  His course on The North Atlantic Cities, given at Johns Hopkins to an audience of paying adults, was the first such course in JHU history to receive 100% favorable evaluations.  Charlie is the past president of both the Baltimore Architecture Foundation and the Patterson Park Community Development Corporation. He is a graduate of Amherst College and the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Jubilee Baltimore is a non-profit developer and neighborhood revitalization organization. Jubilee helps the people of Baltimore to build safe, stable, desirable, mixed-income neighborhoods through affordable housing development and neighborhood revitalization.  It functions both as a developer and as a development consultant, helping to strengthen weak housing markets, increase the attractiveness and vitality of city neighborhoods, and bring about revival without displacement or social disruption.