LEF "Newberry Library" Video

Newberry Library is a very important, independent research library. This LEF grant to  with donations from LAI members like you, is funding a system to gather, preserve and share Chicago’s planning history. Is your city preserving it’s planning history? This video sets the table for an engaging Chapter event discussion.

We encourage you to share this video to spread the news about the important work the Land Economics Foundation is funding with your donations.  This may also inspire your chapter, local university or community to initiate their own “ground breaking” efforts in land economics.

For details contact Jon B. DeVries, AICP, MLAI and LEF Vice President of Research. (312) 951-6351, 

Just >CLICK< to view the “Newberry Library” video.

To view slides from the “Newberry Library” presentation just <CLICK>

Contact Sheila Hamilton, Exec. Director, for an LEF member to tele-join your event.



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