PRS. An Emerging Asset Class in the UK.

On the 24th of May the London Chapter of the LAI held the first of its 2017 events kindly hosted by JLL at its central London offices. This breakfast talk brought together four experts involved in the design, development, funding and valuation of private rental housing (PRS). PRS is a relatively new asset class in the UK attracting US and other international capital into the provision of large scale private rental housing. The discussions addressed some of the key issues currently being tackled by the industry; what is the suitable design and specification for the various market segments; how to design to foster a positive social environment and brand allegiance; market take up and recent development success in west London; where is the money coming from and on what terms and how to value the rental stream and ultimate assets.

The event was well attended with over 60 people in the audience and with a lively question and answer session following the presentations.

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