Anilkumar J Hatkar Was Elected As Assistant Vice President, Asia Pacific Rim of Lambda Alpha International

          Anilkumar J Hatkar Was Elected As Assistant Vice President,

          Asia Pacific Rim Of Lambda Alpha International

Anilkumar J. Hatkar, G.D. Arch, F, I.I.A., F.I.V., PEATA, AESA, has been named Assistant Vice President, Asia Pacific Rim of Lambda Alpha International (LAI) – – the honorary society of advancement in land economics with professionals across the globe in land use.

Since 1972 he had established ARC AIDS, Architectural and Allied services, of which he is the Managing Director and Chairman. Mr. Hatkar is an expert industrial architect and planner, the firm has catered their services in the sectors of health care, education, information technology, industry, as well residential and commercial projects.  For the government, semi government, state and center, large corporate houses, private individuals, and World Bank aided projects. Mr. Hatkar international networking was a result for bringing foreign direct investments to India prior to globalization.

Mr. Hatkar has a professional membership in various chambers and service clubs:

  • Patron member Indo Japan Business Council (IJBC), presently President.
  • Member of Indo German Chamber Of Commerce (IGCC)AHK
  • Patron member Maharashtra Economic Development Council (MEDC), and served as its Director for Western Maharashtra.
  • Member Mahratta Chamber of Commerce Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA), and its member infrastructure committee.
  • Member British Business Group (BBG) and its constitution/legal committee member.
  • Member of Council Of Tall Buildings & Urban Habitat, Chicago, USA, (CTBUH).
  • Member of Rotary International
  • Member – Royal Western India Turf Club, Ltd.
  • Member – The Poona Club Ltd.
  • Member – PYC Hindu Gymkhana
  • Associate Life Member, Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)

From the year 2007 – 08, Mr. Hatkar had been associated with Lambda Alpha International (LAI) , and till date has attended at least six (6) LEW’s at important locations in the U.K., U.S.A., Europe. Since the year 2012 till date Mr. Hatkar has been on the board of Governors as the Assistant Vice President, Asia Pacific Rim.

With profound dedication to LAI and after a lot of hard work, he had initiated The AUM LAI Chapter, in  Mumbai/Pune, Maharashtra, India. In the year 2014 October 15th, the charter was awarded at the hands of then President, LAI, Mr. Tim Youmans, at the LEW in Madrid, Spain.  In his speech while thanking all past President’s, and the Board of Governors Mr. Hatkar drew the attention of the attendees about the new Modi government in India, and its global strategy which has proposed active participation of proposals from FDI and knowledge partners to avail the advantages of the growing Indian economy, and in that context assured the august body that the AUM LAI chapter would make every endeavor for LAI’s ambitious plan to go global.

The AUM LAI Chapter in keeping with the commitments made by its President at the charter, recently held a Charrette under the auspicious of the State Government of Maharashtra, viz. the Ministry of Planning and Rural Development, with the active participation of Mr. Les Pollock, Past President, LAI, AUM LAI chapter members, concerned Ministers, top level bureaucrats, non-government agencies, etc., on the subject being Micro Planning of Sindhudurgh and Chandrapur Districts, which was a grand success in projecting AUM LAI’s role in land use economics.

Please Contact:   Anil Hatkar –, +91 7875555800

Aria Chaini –, +91 9833412525



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