Due to the resignation of John Lyons as Assistant Treasurer we are seeking a replacement for the remainder of his term which ends at the conclusion of the LAI Board of Governors Meeting in October, 2017.
The duties of the International Assistant Treasurer are to act when the International Treasurer is not available and include approval of expenditures, monitoring of financial accounts and review of accounting policies. In addition to providing backup to the Treasurer, and serving as Treasurer when the Treasurer is unavailable, this position takes the lead in developing the operating budget of LAI. This process involves reviewing actual expenditures and using that information to develop a budget for the up-coming year. Most of this activity occurs in July and August as by that time LAI has six months of actual expenditures to use as a base for the upcoming budget, which provides greater accuracy in forecasting. Various subcommittees that have budget impact are contacted for anticipated future expenditures and that information is incorporated into the budget. The budget is finalized in August in conjunction with the Treasurer and Executive Director and then reviewed by the Financial Committee prior to the board book for the Fall LAI meeting.
Additionally, the Assistant Treasurer is a permanent member of the Finance Committee which reviews policies and procedures that impact the organization. This committee meets on a as needed basis.
Generally speaking, this position has review only duties for most of the year, but during budget development, the duties need approximately 10 hours a week for the period of late July through mid-September.
Please contact Sheila Harris, LAI Treasurer, at sheila@harrisconsult.co.