Baltimore Awards Joe Nathanson 2016 Member of the Year


Nomination of Josef Nathanson as LAI Baltimore Member of the Year



I am very pleased to nominate Josef Nathanson to be Baltimore LAI Chapter Member of the Year for 2016.  Joe, founder and president of Urban Information Associates, Inc., has been a leader in Baltimore’s Lambda Alpha chapter since its beginning, active in Lambda Alpha International’s activities, and is a respected land economics professional in the Baltimore region and beyond.


Here is a summary of Joe’s qualifications for this award:

Direct affiliation with local & international LAI – Joe was president of the Baltimore LAI Chapter from 1997 to 2000.  At least for the time since then (and probably earlier) he has been an active member of the Baltimore Chapter Board.  He continues to volunteer for assignments, including for ones planning a 2018 LAI LEW in Baltimore, and to give wise and valuable advice to the Chapter.  Joe has also been very active in the international organization.  He was International Vice President for the Eastern Region 2003 – 2005 and Assistant Keynotes Editor 2013 – 2015.  Joe has attended many Land Economics weekends over the years.

Specific initiatives and/or achievements with impact on chapter growth -  Joe was a leader in organizing the very first LAI Land Economics Weekend in Baltimore in 2000.  In 2007 he organized a day-long Regional Transportation Symposium, the first of its kind for LAI.  He also enlisted ULI and GBBR as co-sponsors.


Professional career in land economics – Joe has over thirty-five years of project management experience in economic development, economic and demographic analysis and city and regional planning.  As Director, MetroResearch for Baltimore’s regional planning agency, the Baltimore Metropolitan Council; as Technical Director, Community Economic Development Program for Baltimore City and as a private consultant.  Joe is the founder and president of Urban Information Associates, Inc., a Baltimore-based community and economic development consulting firm.


Special achievements and recognition – Joe’s expertise in the field and his commitment to it are exemplified by his long-running “Regional Perspectives” column in The Daily Record.



Josef Nathanson

Urban Information Associates, Inc.

20 Bouton Green Court

Baltimore, Maryland 21210




Submitted by

Rachel Edds

Edds Consulting, LLC









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