Orange County First Quarter Activities



JANUARY 14, 2016 

Our chapter began the year with an Induction, Awards and Installation Dinner at the Pacific Club on January 14th.  Joseph W. DeCarlo CPM, CCIM, CRE was presented with an Outstanding Member of the Year Award for his many years of exemplary service to our chapter.  Joe hosts our chapter events through his membership in the prestigious Pacific Club and served one term as Chapter President.  His office is the official home for our Chapter, and Joe has allocated his company time for Kara Nomura and Valerie DeCarlo to serve as our Co-Executive Directors.  He also furnishes video and slide projection equipment at each meeting.  Joe’s company, JD Property, manages apartment and commercial properties.  Joe has written several books and teaches at local universities.

The evening program included the induction of four 2015 new members:            
            Steve Shafenacker, Sr. Vice President, Shea Properties
            Richard West, Jr., Sr. Managing Director, CBRE
            Orell Anderson, President, Strategic Property Analytics
            George R. Monte, President, Richmont Investment Property Services, Inc.


(Wayne Silzel - George Monte - Steve Shafenacker - Orell Anderson - Stevan Gromet)

The evening concluded with the Installation of new officers.


February 22, 2016 – Joint Meeting with the S.C. Appraisal Institute

David B. Cosgrove, Esq. Sr. Partner, Rutan & Tucker was guest speaker and presented an interesting educational program entitled “Value or Voodoo” on the subject of Entitlements, explaining the challenges of their effects on valuation and permit approvals.  (click here to view slides from his presentation).  This was a joint meeting with the Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute.


David Cosgrove, Esq. and John Penner, MAI, Chapter President


March 21, 2016

Bill Shopoff, President & CEO, Shopoff Realty Investments revealed the origin and plans for the pacesetting 25 acre landmark “Uptown Newport,” a proposed 1,244 apartment and commercial development on Jamboree Rd. near MacArthur Blvd.

Stevan Gromet, LAIOC Pres. Elect, Bill Shopoff, and Wayne Silzel


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