SB743 Life Without Delay

Orange County

Event details:

8:00am PDT on Wednesday, October 16, 2019
9:30am PDT on Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Pacific Club
4110 MacArthur Boulevard
Newport Beach , CA 92660 ,

7:45 am Networking

8:00 am Welcome

8:15 am Breakfast

8:40 am Presentation 

9:30 am Conculsion of Presentation


Members $50 / Non-Members $55

Please Register via

Tony Petros, LSA

Tony Petros is a Principal with LSA, a full service planning and engineering firm headquartered in Irvine. He manages the traffic engineering and planning discipline in California. He provided transportation planning and engineering services on major highway corridors, land developments, ports and terminals throughout the State. He was the Project Manager for the Orange County Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), a 20 year vision of mobility for the County, twice and the County’s Sustainable Communities Strategy, a regional effort to address greenhouse gas emission reduction.


Tony will share how the CEQA Guidelines have changed for transportation and the current LOS/Delay metric is replaced with Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and how it is calculated and applied to land use and transportation projects.  He will also identify critical issues with the change in metric and it's effect on agency approval and project entitlements.