Event details:
Members: $45.00
Non-members & Guests: $55.00
The price includes appetizers, a lunch entree, & soft drinks or coffee/tea.
A cash bar is available for alcoholic beverages & is not included in the price.
Please register with the Ticket Hive link.
Tickets are non-refundable.
Luncheon with Special Guest Speaker: Tom Devaney
Senior Director of Land Use and Planning at
The Municipal Art Society of New York
Tom Devaney is a certified planner with over 30 years of planning experience. He is also a LEED-accredited professional. Tom has served as MAS’ Senior Director of Land Use and Planning for the past eight years, spearheading the organization’s landmark report "Tale of Two Rezonings, a retrospective analysis of the rezonings of Long Island City and Downtown Brooklyn," and "Site By Site, an exploration of ways to improve development projections under the City’s Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) process." Tom leads the organization’s Planning Committee, a consortium of professional planners, architects, resiliency experts and housing advocates that are integral to MAS’ work. He is the chief author of MAS’ testimony presented to the City Council and the City Planning Commission for all major land use and policy decisions, and has moderated several significant panel discussions, most notably on the topics of future infrastructure, repercussions of lifting the residential floor area cap, and most recently, the reality of the City meeting its decarbonization goals under Local Law 97. Prior to coming to MAS, Tom spearheaded Langan Engineering’s environmental planning and wetland permitting practice. Tom has lived in Woodside Queens for 25 years.
We encourage you to join us at Connolly's to network and socialize with other members & guests.